Thursday, March 12, 2009

Well... I didn't binge!

I ate several pickle slices and a few green beans, but what I really wanted was a lean cuisine, and I refrained. After my pickle slices, I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I was exhausted anyway, but I was SO proud of myself. I'm not going to make my goal this week now, but it's far better than last week, when I would have ten points left and eat, a bar, a sandwich, and a bag of popcorn. I'm fairly obsessed with food lately. I know exactly how many points most of my favorite foods have, except the ones I know I can eat anymore, like bagels with cream cheese. I know that the mornings of having a bagel every day are gone, and while it's sad, I haven't found myself tempted to stop in to dunkin donuts, like I was when I was 'trying' to eat better. I would set limits for myself on when I could go, and then I would break them for no real reason. Well, I'm going to get dressed and head to the cafeteria for an egg white omelet, then to the mall walk, then to work. Maybe it won't suck today... hahahaha!
I'll probably update again later, while I'm avoiding writing my strategic management paper!
Oh and lunch plan is typical, Turkey pita, crackers. Orange and fiber bar for snacks. Since breakfast is so late today I might have to tweak my lunch time a bit. Snack at 12 maybe, and lunch at 2:30, one more snack at 5 then dinner at 7:30? Works for me!

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